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Lectures and workshops

The lectures and workshops take place in the Medientheater and in Room 0.09 resp. in the Signallabor and in the Analog Computer Room. See the floor plan for directions.

Saturday, 3rd of October
TimeLectures in the MedientheaterLectures in Room 0.09Workshops in the Signallabor
09:30 - 10:00Symposium "Time After Time"
10:00 - 10:30Keynote: Analogrechner im 21. Jahrhundert
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ulmann
10:30 - 11:30MEMEX – Entstehung eines interaktiven Exponats für das Deutsche Technikmuseum
Jörg Rädler
Musik-Programmierung mit MIDI und APL/J
Martin Neitzel
11:30 - 13:00Programmierung eines 8-Bit-Atari-Spiels
Thomas Schulz
13:00 - 14:00Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30Symposium "Time After Time"Unleashed Desktop Power – Die Geschichte der Workstations
Ansgar Kückes
Entwicklung eines Levels für ein Retro-Spiel
Thomas Schulz
15:30 - 17:00Rekonstruktion eines alternativen CP/M-Floppysystems für den KC85/3
Dirk Kahnert
17:00 - 19:00

Sunday, 4th of October
TimeLectures in the MedientheaterWorkshops in the SignallaborWorkshops in the Analog Computer Room
10:00 - 11:30Analogrechnerprogrammierung
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ulmann
KIM-1-Replika selbstgebaut
Oscar Vermeulen
11:30 - 12:00Wie das Supercomputing auf die Welt kam
Wolfgang Stief
12:00 - 13:00Getting to know the 6502 CPU
Sven Oliver Moll
Hands-on Analogcomputing
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ulmann
13:00 - 14:00Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30Die Geschichte von UNIX 1969 bis OpenSolaris
Jörg Schilling
Atari 2600 VCS demo in 3 hours
Sven Oliver Moll
15:30 - 17:00MOUSE – Wie man einen Computer baut
Mario Keller
17:00 - 17:30Closing Event
Dr. Stefan Höltgen, Sebastian Fischer, Anke Stüber

Getting to know the 6502 CPU

You have coded before and want to attend the following "Atari 2600 VCS demo in 3 hours" workshop, but don't know anything about the 6502? Here you'll get to know the basics, a rough overview, and will be provided with all the documentation that you'll need to get started. The workshop will be held in English unless every participant can speak German. Sven Oliver Moll

Atari 2600 VCS demo in 3 hours

Join us in a workshop where you'll be writing your first own Atari 2600 VCS demo. This workshop is for (demo) coders who know about the 6502/6510 CPU. Computers will be provided but you can also bring your own development notebook. Precompiled development tools (assembler, graphics converter, emulator etc.) will be provided for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, the source code for the rest of the world (like *BSD). Knowledge about programming in general is needed, as the 2600 is probably not the best platform to learn coding on. If you've coded in C or any assembler you should be able get things done. The workshop will be held in English unless every participant can speak German. Sven Oliver Moll

More information about lectures and workshops is available in German.

Page last modified on 2020-07-08